Since 2013
QSC 2025
Kingston, Ontario

What is QSC?
Feb. 1st | Kingston, Ontario
The 2025 Queen's Space Conference will be held on Saturday February 1st, 2025, at the Holiday Inn in downtown Kingston, Ontario. The address is 2 Princess St, Kingston, ON K7L 1A2. The conference is on the 6th floor in the Bellevue Ballroom (North). The conference will run from approximately 9am-8pm.

Professionals from the Space Industry
We bring industry professionals to our conference in order to provide delegates the most informative, inspiring, and memorable conference possible. Five speakers will talk about their role in the space industry, their contributions, and where we are headed. Past speakers include CEOs, engineers, astrophysicists, astronauts, AI specialists, and more. Check out our speakers page on this site to look at all of our past speakers over the past 13 years, as well as our speaker lineup for this year!
We provide networking opportunities with our speakers and their respective organizations, as well as with our cosponsors, other students, and all other delegates. A case competition will be held, where you will be able to collaborate with other delegates to solve a problem presented at the conference. QSC provides a way for you to meet other students, hear their journeys, while also connecting with professionals in the field.
Blast off!
QSC is about sparking thought and idea-generation, connecting our delegates with those who can launch them towards their goals, and spreading education and love for space. QSC is an opportunity to learn, grow, and connect meaningfully. Explore your passions and interests at the Queen's Space Conference.
Frequently Asked Questions
I have a question that isn't listed here. Who do I ask?
How do I buy tickets?
Tickets for QSC 2025 can be purchased here: Click here for ticket information
Where is the conference located?
The conference is located in Kingston, Ontario! This year the conference will be held at the Holiday Inn.
Do you have to be a Queen’s student to come to the conference?
No, you do not! Students from everywhere are welcome and encouraged to come to the Queen’s Space Conference.
What is a case competition?
Case competitions are case studies of tangible, real world scenarios. Delegates will be placed into groups that will work together on solving a proposed issue/problem. Within an allocated time frame, delegates will strive to develop a solution or plan with their team, followed by a presentation at the conference. Case competitions are a fun way to exercise your mind and problem solving abilities while working with other like-minded people, while also competing against other groups. Past case comps have covered topics such as cleaning up space debris, mining asteroids, transporting/synthesizes medicine in space, and more. Some case competition presentations from QSC 2024 will be posted on the website before QSC 2025, so delegates can get an understanding of what exactly it is!
How can I sponsor QSC?
Thank you for considering sponsoring the Queen's Space Conference! Please reach out to qsc.sponsorships@engsoc.queensu.ca for more information.